Facebook Journalism

 Prepared by Hibat Khalid

Facebook Journalism

Threat to the society?


It all started with the print media where everything was on a page. People would know about the happenings from newspapers and magazines. Slowly, journalism extended itself through radios and TVs. But all of this was quite unhurried, people would have to wait for around three days to know something that was happening within 3kms of their range. 

Soon the scenario changed when Mark Zuckerberg gifted us with an amazing platform called Facebook. Now people, not only, could talk to each other and share pictures but also enlighten each other with news and contemporary issues. News became as available as air, social media has been helping people connect to each other. People post news and share what is going on in their life. In addition, people can go live and there is yet another project started in the app named Facebook journalism. Through this project, journalists work with publishers around the world and connect people with the community they are serving. Facebook is one of the most powerful forces in the media—with more than 2 billion users every month. `


Facebook is full of amazing things, but it may not be as good as it seems. Facebook journalism, in particular, is considered to be a great threat to society. No one knows about the authenticity of the news, the creators behind the Facebook pages and the motto of the people. I have three arguments which approve the fact that Facebook journalism is a threat.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               

  1. PRIMARY ARGUMENT:  Unreliability

The news can be fabricated since the sources are not authentic. No one is sure about the group of people behind the organization and their motto behind journalism. People can spread fake news which can provoke a specific part of the society and result in a widespread chaos.

PSA: Please don't believe everything you see on the internet and don't spread it to other people when you are unsure about the authenticity. 

  1. SECOND ARGUMENT:  Freedom of speech

You can not speak freely about the flaws of big corporations which are backed up by the government. Facebook can seize your account and you will never be able to use it again. In fact you can even be imprisoned for exposing the shortcomings of these companies and face a penalty. Therefore, Facebook may not be an ideal place to practice journalism and share information.    

  1. FINAL ARGUMENT: Amateurs? 

We are not certain about the qualifications of the people who spread the news on Facebook. People randomly post anything they feel like and for no particular reason. On the contrary, we can see well qualified news journalists and reporters on the TV or newspapers who are aware about the techniques of delivering and spreading information. The news can even be inaccurate, have poor quality and may not describe the full story. 


Let's look at the other side of this coin. Like I provided the three arguments to support the topic, I have four more arguments to prove the topic wrong. From live news or direct communication with the journalists Facebook has developed journalism in unimaginable ways. 

1.PRIMARY ARGUMENT: Transparency

Through Facebook one can broadcast events live, that are happening at the moment. Facebook journalism has increased transparency in a way that one cant deny the originality of the report. Plainly, we believe what we see rather than what we read. Therefore, it is a more direct means of news reporting. 


On the TV, news reporters are a sort of celebrities we can not even imagine to meet. We never know about how the person is and can never know the real opinions of them. Facebook journalism has made contacting the journalists easier. You can directly message (DM) the specific journalist and inquire about any event in detail. 

While live reporting you can ask questions live through the comment box in front of anyone. Facebook journalism has made these unimaginable things possible. 

3. THIRD ARGUMENT: Availability 

Gone are the days when we had to wait for a given time to know what's happening around. Not only can we watch live but Facebook journalism has also made it possible to watch news that happened a year ago! All you need to do is scroll and you can know about any happening at any time of the year.

 In addition we can watch news anywhere on Earth. If you are in a mall, restaurant or at any place with no TV you can still be informed about the events happening around you. 


We can save money and trees. For producing 50,000 sheets of paper, 100 trees go down. This is the time when our Earth is at high risk. Rather than being a threat, Facebook is the savior from the various environmental threats. If we stop buying newspapers, we may be the reason to save 100 trees.


  1. السلام عليكم
    سبحان الله
    This is really sublime. I really appreciate your efforts. Tell me if I can help you in any way, I'll try my best to help you.

    1. W.A
      Thank you. Your name is not visible but you can email me and we can correspond.


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