Students should be taught to do household chores at school.

 By Hibat Khalid

December 11, 2021

Students should be taught to do household chores at school.

Hey everyone, I am Hibat and I will be proposing the motion that is Students should be taught to do household chores at school. I will present some arguments to make you believe the motion. But before that I will try to make you understand what actually chores are?

What are chores?

Chore is a  job or piece of work that needs to be done regularly. Chores include doing your laundry, ironing and folding your clothes, cleaning your plates or room, making up your bed etc. In a nutshell, it means doing your work by yourself everyday. There are infinite pros of doing chores, like,  helping your parents helps realizing your responsibilities. Getting trained for future events is also a huge benefit of doing chores. For instance having to go to a foreign country and managing to live their without your parents will be easier for a kid who is used to doing chores at home as compared to kids who are not. Doing chores is very important in our daily life. It teaches us team work and most importantly by doing chores one becomes self-reliant and obedient to his parents.


As I am from the proposition side I will support the motion that is students should be taught to do household chores in schools. I believe I have some sturdy arguments that will support my motion.

Primary Argument:  Responsibility of schools

We all know the answer of the question “why do parents admit their children in schools”. Isn't it obvious that people admit their children into the school so that their child gets educated, learns discipline and gets a proper understanding of moral values. And children spend a lot of time in schools. So what I am really trying to say is that schools should teach students to do chores because it is an important moral value (as already discussed) and children tend to learn things better when made compulsory especially by the school. Schools conduct different extra curricular classes like teaching of moral values, painting, computer science oriented classes then why not chores be one of them as well.

Second Argument:  Enjoying.                                                                                   

When ever we do some work, we need some motivation to concentrate on that. In the same way children usually concentrate more when a teacher shows them how to do something as all the other students are also learning the same thing in school, they feel that it is important to do that particular task and will carry them out at home as well when they know other kids are also doing so. However, in their own home if the only child is learning or doing chores they do not feel interested. Even when there are siblings to do the same task, it still doesn't make much of a difference. When you are doing some work alone or with only one or two other people, you feel very tired and bored but if someone is with you doing the work you feel very energetic and therefore enjoy the work.

Final Argument: Building Character

Doing chores help building character as it helps us to make time table, plans, organizing things etc. If they become used to listening and doing what their parents tell them to do, it can help them become good and responsible followers of their parents and obedient children in the future also


                                               Thank you


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