Food Sustainability

                 Ideas For Food Sustainability🍎🍆🍐🍊

Hey! I wanted to share this blog with you, which I made with my sister and a cousin. It is the written report of a science project we were working on together. I thought it might be useful to you as well as our environment. So enlighten your knowledge and enjoy reading.

Food, the basis of life and the foundation of our ultimate well-being, is the center of many of the critical environmental, socio-economic challenges that we confront in this era. Food sustainability, food security and feeding the 850 million who are hungry are some pressing issues which needs mutual cooperation and, more importantly, creative ideology for creating a predictable future. There are a huge range of issues that will impact food availability in the future; this project mainly focuses at designing, developing, modelling, and planning a food sustainable future. 
We will try to solve problems related to food sustainability and to overcome obstacles that are in the way of achieving it. 

Aims & Objectives:

  1. Contributing something to the Sustainable Development Goal “End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture” is the main aim of this project

  2. To increase the food yield without harming the environment.

  3. To make healthy, nutritious and fit food.

  4. By eating nutritious food, one can improve his health but making sure that the food which serves this purpose lasts for eternity is also one of our objectives.

  5. Finally, to focus on a problem and find a suitable solution is the most important objective of our project.

Data Analysis:

  • First we searched the internet to see the classification of farmers as being landless, working on a small scale, marginal farmers, and those who work on a large scale.

  • After that, we analyzed data to check the land use pattern of India. This helped us to understand land use in detail. From this data we got to know the exact percentage of land that is available to farmers for cultivation.

  • After researching, surveying, brainstorming, and analyzing the available data, we came to the conclusion that even if we follow the steps and guidelines laid down by the national and international organizations, we will still face a lot of hurdles in our way.

  • Feeding the world at this stage is mainly being done at the expense of forests, climate, water, soil and air. These things are very necessary for the growth of agriculture but their over exploitation is leading to other problems at a global level, like, climate change, water scarcity, biodiversity loss, ozone layer depletion etc.

  • Another such hurdle is that farmers tend to achieve sustainable goals by using simple and low-cost agricultural practices.

The problem or challenge:

In a nutshell, we have understood the fact that we need to produce food in such a manner that works with the environment and not against it.


Keeping the main problem in mind, the following solutions and steps can be drawn out:

  • The first step that can be taken is to blend agriculture with Artificial Intelligence. Automatic sensors can be placed within the soil which will examine all the necessary requirements, such as, water content, nutrients and ph. These sensors can be connected with gadgets, like, computers, mobile phones, laptops etc. Robots can be designed specially for distributing seeds at the initial stage and then nutrients to the plants. Another type of robots can be used to detect a rotten/ waste plant at an initial stage so that some special measures can be taken to either revive that plant or remove it as a whole so that it does not lead to the decomposition of other plants. These agricultural practices are not just dependent upon AI, but also need interference of man which is why this idea will be successful. This system will check water logging, soil erosion, land degradation, excessive use of fertilizers which ultimately leads to water pollution and so on.

    • Mixing AI with agriculture can prove to be quite beneficial but at the same time it is very costly and can only be adopted by rich, large or commercial farmers. We also need to focus on small, marginal and landless farmers which can also perform some duties to maximize production on available land. Farmers can intermingle farmland with the tropical habitat. In this way, an artificial symbiotic relationship can be created within our farms. The plants will get benefited in such a way that the animals will act as natural pollinators and at the same time this will also ensure pest control. This will also produce food and habitat for the wildlife which will lead to increase in the forest cover. 

    In this way, food will be produced while taking care of the needs of our depleting planet.

Prepared By:

Hibat Khalid
Hadeeqat Khalid
Mohd. Sameem Baba



  1. This is so informative and you have researched very well. Well done!


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